Qurilish texnikasi - (Minorali tze) kollektor
Minoperatorlar - Mobil jihozlar uchun minora roli
Mobil uskunalar bo'yicha o'rnatilgan minorasi bir qator muhim funktsiyalarga xizmat ko'rsatadi.
Birinchidan, bu kabelni samarali himoya qiladi. Kabelni havoda to'xtatib turish orqali u kabel va er osti materiallari orasidagi to'g'ridan-to'g'ri aloqa va ishqalanishning oldini oladi. This significantly reduces the risk of cable damage due to abrasion and scratches, thus extending the cable's lifespan and minimizing electrical failures and safety hazards caused by cable breakage.

Ikkinchidan, u mobil uskunalar xavfsiz ishlashini ta'minlaydi. Avoiding the interference of ground materials with the cable prevents situations where the cable is squeezed or entangled by materials, which could otherwise damage the cable or impede the operation of the mobile equipment. This allows the cable to be retracted and extended smoothly during the operation of the mobile equipment, guaranteeing its stable operation.
Uchinchidan, u kosmik foydalanishni yaxshilaydi. Kabel havoda ko'tarilganligi sababli, u yer maydonini egallamaydi. This enables more flexible use of the ground area for material storage, personnel operation, or the layout of other equipment, thus enhancing the overall utilization of the site space.

Va nihoyat, bu ekologik moslashuvni kuchaytiradi. In complex working environments like construction sites or logistics warehouses, where the ground conditions are intricate with various materials and obstacles, this device enables the cable to avoid these adverse factors. As a result, the mobile equipment can better adapt to different environmental conditions to a certain extent, expanding its applicable range. However, it should be noted that this device has limitations in terms of the applicable working sites.